Bram Stoker’s Dracula is best known from its many and varied cinematic incarnations - but as theatrical productions like The Woman In Black have ably illustrated, a spinetingling story of horror can work just as well on the stage as on the screen...
Cue, the critically acclaimed Blackeyed Theatre’s brand-new adaptation, a production which imaginatively blends Victorian Gothic with the contemporary...
The company has deemed the show suitable for audience members aged 11 upwards.
Adapted for the stage by Nick Lane
Bram Stoker’s Dracula is best known from its many and varied cinematic incarnations - but as theatrical productions like The Woman In Black have ably illustrated, a spinetingling story of horror can work just as well on the stage as on the screen...
Cue, the critically acclaimed Blackeyed Theatre’s brand-new adaptation, a production which imaginatively blends Victorian Gothic with the contemporary...
The company has deemed the show suitable for audience members aged 11 upwards.
Bridge House Theatre, Warwick
7pm £26 / £22
Malvern Theatres, Malvern
various £18 upwards
Lichfield Garrick, Lichfield
various £15 upwards
Crewe Lyceum, Crewe
various £13 upwards